Waivers 2022
It’s that time of year again! As we get closer to the start of the season we need all players who did not play with Canmore Minor Soccer in 2020 and 2021 to fill out the appropriate waiver(s).
1. Who needs to complete a waiver?
– All players, volunteers and coaches who are registered for this year and did not play with CMSC in 2020 and 2021
2. Which waivers do I need to fill out?
– Players under the age of 13 – Youth COVID Waiver completed and signed by the player’s parent or guardian.
– Players aged 13 to 17 – Youth COVID Waiver completed and signed by both the player’s parent or guardian and the player.
– Players aged 18 and up – Adult COVID Waiver completed and signed by the player
– Coaches aged 18 and up – Adult COVID Waiver completed and signed by the coach
– Coaches under the age of 18 – Youth COVID Waiver completed and signed by both the player’s parent or guardian and the player.
– Volunteers aged 18 and up – Adult COVID Waiver completed and signed by the volunteer if they are involved with on-field delivery of sport.
3. Why do I need to fill out a wavier?
– Waivers ensure that you or your child are covered by ASA insurance and participants who are not covered cannot participate in soccer…
You Will Not Be Allowed On The Field Without A Waiver
4. How do I fill out the waiver?
– 1 person per waiver (each individual needs to have a waiver, no family waivers).
– each section identified in the waiver that needs to be acknowledged is done so with a check mark or an initial in the box provided
– the player’s name is input at the top of the youth waiver (some parents put their name, the individual on the waiver is the player)
– the player’s birthdate is included on the waiver (some left this incomplete or input the signing date in this space, please check this closely to ensure it matches the birthdate provided in your registration).
– if the player is between the age of 13 and 17 that they have signed the waiver along with their parent or guardian.
– if the player is under the age of 18, their parent or guardian has signed the waiver.
Deadline: All Waivers Must Be Completed by end of day Saturday, April 9
You Will Not Be Allowed On The Field Without A Waiver
If you have questions or concerns, please email admin@canmoresoccer.ca