Canmore Minor Soccer Club Teams

Canmore Minor soccer is hoping to have the following teams for the 2025 season:


U5 Coed, play once a week
U6 Coed, play once a week
U7 Coed, play twice a week
U9 Boys, play twice a week
U9 Girls, play twice a week


Bow Valley Youth Soccer League

U11-U13 Girls Teams 1-4
U14 girls will be mixed in with U13 team)
U11 Boys teams 1-4
U13 Boys teams 1-4
U14 Boys (will be mixed in with U13 team)
These teams will practice once a week and play other BVYSL teams once a week in a proper reffed game.



U13 Boys & Girls teams (this will be a mix of 12 and 13 year olds)

U15 Boys & Girls (this will be a mix of 14 and 15 year olds)

U17 Boys & Girls (this team will be a mix of 16 and 17 year olds)

U19 girls (this will be a mix of 18-19 year olds)

These teams, if there are enough players, will play as part of the Calgary Minor Soccer Club League.  They will practice twice a week in Canmore and play games (usually once a week) in Calgary against other Calgary teams.

***All age groups are based on registration numbers and combining age groups is sometimes necessary in a small club to allow all players interested to play in a competitive setting.


Tournament teams

U11 Boys tournament team - we have a coach in place to have a boys tournament team for this age group.  The goal will be to have kids from the BVYSL who are interested in also attending tournaments to come together to form a tournament team.  This team will practice together once a week and attend a few tournaments around Alberta and BC.

U11 Girls tournament team - We would also be interested in having a girls U11 tournament team if we have enough interest from players and a coach.


Thank You To Our Sponsors!